Rosacea Note


As a rosacea sufferer, you know first-hand the frustration (and expense!) of dealing with this progressive condition. It's critical to understand that depending on where you are in the Rosacea cycle, you may be in the midst of a flare or have one waiting in the wings. Should this be the case, it is possible that even our extremely effective and gentle rosacea products (SBR) could cause tingling and/or redness on first application. Unless you experience welts or serious itching (we recommend a patch test for this reason) you are NOT having a negative reaction, your skin is merely reacting to the active ingredients and with the proper protocol, these products will literally 'train' your skin to not hyper-react in the future.

Here are some links that will explain this phenomenon:

The solution is to start slow and dilute the products (esp, the SBR serum) to half-strength with water (preferably distilled) and use 1x p/day every other day and then progress from there as the redness issue stops being a problem. We have walked 100's of clients through this process and about 90% of them have become loyal users ever since! We will still honor the money back guarantee regardless of how much of the products you've used. we are that sure of how effective this product line is. We are seeing returns of the entire line with several of the products unused by new customers who are not aware of this phenomenon. WE GUARANTEE THIS PRODUCT LINE UNCONDITIONALLY!

If you'd like more information or have questions, please contact us @