(The Power Of Comfrey Root Extract)

Comfrey Root has been used historically since the times of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to combat Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis, Sunburn and in wound care. In 1912, scientists submitted samples of Comfrey Root for chemical analysis and thereby isolated the compound Allantoin (later found in many forms, both vegetable and animal as a metabolite) as being the primary active. This compound was used during World War I to treat refractory wound infections, saving many limbs from the ravages of gangrene.
Here at the PuraVeda Organics lab, our Allantoin is naturally steam extracted from Organic Comfrey Root (Symphytum Officinale). In addition to its superior healing properties, Allantoin's cellular regeneration properties make it an optimal Organic/All-Natural ingredient in Anti-Aging skincare products. Allantoin is a great natural moisturizer for dry and irritated skin issues, and provides a wonderful organic solution to help combat the skin aging process. Allantoin is odorless, non-irritating, non-toxic, and non-allergenic, making it ideal for skincare products for all skin types.
Our aim is to provide you with compelling reasons why Organic, Toxin-Free Botanically based Skin, Hair and Personal Care products are not just the 'Healthy' choice, but also the most EFFECTIVE choice. We'll be showing you why choosing products with the right ingredients can not only help turn back the clock on a cellular level, but also give you the most beautiful Skin and Hair possible. And you can feel good about the products you use.. not only for your body's personal ecology, but also for the ecology of the planet.
Thanks for checking out the ingredient information on our website. This webpage is for educational and informative purposes ONLY. Due to the fact of our high-quality ingredients, lately we have been deluged with requests for sourcing, or purchase of individual ingredients from our lab. To get the best possible results, we recommend trying our products as they’re specifically formulated with the right concentration of key ingredients. Our formulations are designed to work synergistically for maximum effectiveness, so you can experience the full benefits. Feel free to explore our range and find the perfect match for your needs! If you have any questions or need recommendations, we're here to help!
(2 Products)